У статті, написаній Кеті Райт для Press Association, Penta Peel рекомендувався для догляду та відлущування тьмяної шкіри взимку: «Наповнені сумішшю п’яти відлущувальних кислот, подушечки DCL Multi-Action Penta Peel достатньо потужні, щоб видалити мертву шкіру. клітини, але достатньо ніжні, щоб використовувати їх щодня після очищення».
Back in November, my cousin let me borrow her DCL ultra comfort cream. I loved it so much that I immediately purchased one. I’ve have since purchased my second one and will continue! This cream is so moisturizing and makes my skin feel so good.
I live in an extremely dry and harsh climate. This face cream really helps me deal with the worst winter dryness on what is already naturally dry skin. I hope they never stop making this cream and they keep the formula! :) :)
I've tried other products, but nothing compares to Hydro Boost for replacing moisture, decreasing fine lines and making skin look youthful. I always apply after DCL AHA Resurfacing Lotion for best results!!
I have a previous version of this product that I loved but they no longer make. Previous one worked better than this one